Saturday, August 29, 2009

The beach is so great

Mexican school vacations are over, most of the tourists are gone.
Now we wait for the American season, probably late this year, September and October month are going to be very slow for the tourism business.
Lucky us, "locals", we are going to enjoy the beaches.
No crowds, no yelling kids, plenty space.
These days I will for sure take my lap-top to the beach and work a bit from there.
I could write some stuff, between a dip and a sip.
Yesterday, I went through the web for more tools and I found an impressive amount of free stuff, I can use now to work better or easier.
I don´t know if that may interest anyone, but leave a comment and I will share my discoveries.
Well that´s about it for today.
Comment if you like.
See you next post

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Today I have started a new program

Well, it was doing so good with the first one that I decided to get into another.
I will check for a few days how it goes, and then I will tell everybody about it.
The former one is still doing very well.
I suggest you to have a look, by the way.
It´free you know, so no strings attached. You look, you think and then if you like you proceed, it´s as simple as that.
There are two lines to fill, your name and your mail, and that´s it.
But you must be ready for an amazing ride into the web business industry.
It´s not for shy or scary people.
You want money?
You like to work little?
You are smart?
Then give it a try.
Remember the link:
See you then.
000000h. Leave a comment, just say "Hi, I was there"
All my best wishes to all of you, readers.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

This is doing very well

Wow, I am impressed.
That thing is exponential, you know, it is speeding up at an impressive pace.
At the beginning money was coming dayly, by small amounts.
Then those amounts have been slowly growing, like a little bit more every day.
And a little bit more, and a little bit more.
And now..
It´s a pretty fair amount every day.
I haven´t made the calculation yet, but it seems to be much more than anything I made in my previous jobs.
And believe me, some were quite profitable.
Anyway I am so happy that I wanted to share that with my readers.
( Do I have any?)
Well whoever is not reading that, is missing it.
I have started a new program today.
I will tell you more after some days of experience.
I wish you all the best
See you.

Gerard S

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Great day, today

You know what?

I have absolutely no idea if anyone has been seeing my blog so far.

OK, it´s quite new.

But I wonder how long it takes to be known around.

I have written to Google to ask why my blog does not show in the search engine, but they haven´t answered.

There is something I probably do wrong.

Well, I may eventually find out and that will work.

I have been doing a lot of business these days, the rate of answers is awesome, something like 39%.

It seems to be quite a good figure.

The truth is that the product is very attractive, and it´s free.

Who wouldn´t get all that information for free?

Then it also helps a lot to get into home based money making business.

It´s really great.

And its so easy to reach at

So don´t let it pass and go visit the site.

Oh, and leave a comment too. I ´d really like to know how I am doing.

See you next post.

Monday, August 17, 2009

One dollar at a time.

Another day, another dollar.
The system works fine, now more people are seeing my ads and click on my links.
Sometimes I feel strange to think that people I don´t know, that I will probably never meet are doing business with me, and allow me to make money.
I´m so sorry I hadn´t found that business earlier.
Anyway if anyone is interested I remind you the link :
Believe me it´s the fastest and easiest way I have ever known to make money.
And I do it at my own pace, with no hurry, no boss to yel at me, and as many coffee breaks as I want.
Ain´t that cool, or what?
Also remember to post a comment or get in touch if you want to know more.
Well that´s it for today.
Gos bless you all and have my best wishes.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Another day at the beach

Yep, I started very early today, checked my mails and my campaigns, saw how much money I made yesterday (not bad).

I had a few mails to answer, part business, part social.

Then after a few chores I went to the beach.

I wish I had known that life before, but life is full of surprises and it´s never too late to change.

That´a line of conversation I have very often with friends and relatives.

You know a lot of them are just scared of what " could" happen.

The crisis, the flu, the politics, well you name it, if it´s worth being in the news, they´re afraid of it.

Some even said Mexico wouldn´t win the soccer game...

Anyway, what I mean is that it really is, never too late to change.

Of course it has to be done the smart way, it´s not just throwing everything away and start again.

One must use all the knowledge acquired through life, be ready to learn a bit more, and just go.

I´m so happy I did it.

I don´t know if a lot of people is going to read this blog, but for those who had the wish and the guts, I´m entirely available for help and tips.

The first thing is to get into the so called " Web Business", no doubt that´s where the money is.

Then get a good partnership with those who already know.

Here is a great tip :

And its FREE, by the way, you just register there and they tell you everything step by step, and then you work a bit and you make a bunch of money, isn´t that great?

Just try, there is no strings attached, and if you are really tired of being edgy and frustrated, today is the day.

See you around the " Web Business", at the beach in Cancun.

Best wishes.

Gerard S

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Yes, from Cancun

Hi, I am Gerard and I live in Cancun.
That´s in Mexico, you know, warm, sunny, white beaches, turquoise seas.
Well, what can I say you haven´t already heard about Cancun.
Everything they say is true.
I have been here for a year now, before that I was in Acapulco.
Not bad either.
Anyway, the places I´ve lived had to do with my job in the tourism industry.
So those little paradises lose a bit of charm when you have to work there for 8 hours or more everyday.
Right, you´re already there on days off, that´s good.
Well, now I got tired of working for others and got into internet affiliate business, to work for me, it´s nice.
I work at my pace and make decent money.
I´m still new at it, so I guess I am not making the best of it, but I learn and I grow up.
OK, that´s it for today.
This is my very first blog too.
Tell me how it went.
Gerard S.